Elizabeth Fry


Here you will find relevant research, resources and publications


We co-create relevant
research and resources

Women represent one in every five offenders, and only 5.4% of the incarcerated population. From the bigger perspective of crime and justice, women’s issues are not as relevant as men’s issues.

Consequently, there is little research and resources put toward understanding women and conflict with the law. In response to this reality, we collect and share the most up-to-date and relevant research and resource publications, as well as information about us.

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Many questions get asked by our clients, members and donors.
Here’s a directory of research and resources that may help you.

Health & Trauma Research

Traumatic Brain Injury and Incarceration, 2016

Doing Health, Undoing Prison, 2016

Focus on Harm Reduction for Injection Drug Use in Canadian Prisons, 2016

Beyond Survival, 2015

Experience of Criminalized Women Accessing Health Care…, 2015

Mental Health in Federal Corrections, 2014

Female Offenders and Self Harm, 2013

Health of Incarcerated Women in BC, 2012

Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading, 2012

Women-Centre Harm Reduction, 2010

Women’s Issues

Reproductive (In)Justice in Canadian Federal Prisons for Women, 2021

Moms in Prison: The Impact of Maternal Incarceration on Women and Children, 2020

Supporting Children with Incarcerated Parents, 2018

Beyond Survival, 2015

Canadian Women in Prison: A Racial and Gendered Analysis, 2015

Housing Needs Assessment, 2014

Canada’s Mother Child Program, 2014

In the Best Interest of the Child, 2014

Negotiating Empowerment, 2014

Policies Matter: Addressing Violence Against Women, 2013

Why are Women Canada’s Fastest Growing Prison Population? 2011

Research with Women Serving Court-Mandated Probation or Parole, 2009

Criminal Justice System

Starting With Life: Murder Sentencing and Feminist Prison Abolitionist Praxis, 2021

Rising Incarceration Rates of Racialized Women, 2018

Office of the Correctional Investigator, Annual Report, 2018

Corrections in Ontario: Directions for Reform, 2017

Aboriginal Women and the Canadian Justice System, 2016

Building Bridges: Experiential and Integrative Learning in Women’s Prison, 2016

Female Offenders in Canada – Stats Canada, 2016

Canadian Women in Prison, 2015

Crisis in Correctional Services, 2015

Presumption of Guilt, 2012

Policies – Policy Research

The Failure of Creating Choices, 2022

Rising Incarceration Rates of Racialized Women, 2018

The Chronic Failure to Control Prisoner Isolation in US and Canadian Law, 2015

False Promises, Hidden Costs, 2014

Help Wanted: Reducing Barriers for Ontario’s Youth with Police Records, 2014

Presumption of Guilt, 2012

Submission to the Committee Against Torture, 2012

Look through our past paper newsletters from 2018-2020 below:

Spring 2020

Winter 2020

Spring 2019

Spring/Summer 2018

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February 2020

March 2020

The goal of the anti-human trafficking project, funded by City of Toronto, was to develop and test a psycho-educational resource handbook for counsellors working with victims of sex trafficking. The handbook focuses on specific information regarding counselling interventions for trafficked victims that would improve their healing and emotional well-being.

Click the image of the manual below, under Featured Publications, to fill out your contact information and download the manual.

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