Donors & Sponsors
Our Programs and Services – and the many women we help depend on your support.
On behalf of Elizabeth Fry Toronto and our clients, we would like to thank our generous funders, sponsors, individual donors, partners, and members who have supported us over the years. We appreciate all the financial support, time and resources that help ensure we can effectively serve women in conflict with the law.
Core Members

- City of Toronto
- Correctional Service Canada
- Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario
- Ministry of the Attorney General
- Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services
- Ministry of the Solicitor General
- Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada
- United Way of Greater Toronto
- Women and Gender Equality Canada
Other Financial Supporters
Tippet Foundation
The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation
The Rotary Club of Toronto
McLean Smits Family Foundation
Edwards Charitable Foundation
CP24 CHUM Christmas Wish
K. M. Hunter Charitable Foundation
The Henry White Kinnear Foundation
Gandy Charitable Foundation
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Love in Action Fund
Jai Family Foundation
Ruth Mandel –Who Gives Fund
Franklin Family Foundation
F.K. Morrow Foundation
J.P. Bickell Foundation
John McConaghy
Religious Institutions:
Synod, The Diocese of Toronto
Grace Church on-the-Hill
In-Kind Donors
African Aid International
BMO Financial
Bleed The North
Book Club for Inmates
Brands for Canada
Kits for a Cause
Loblaws at Maple Leaf Gardens
Needlework Guild, Toronto Branch
Sheen for She Foundation
TD Give to Grow Project
The Shoebox Project
United Way Toronto & York Region Day of Caring
Sunlife Financial
Travel Edge
Women’s Leadership Network at Mastercard
Writer’s Trust
Individual Donors
Adele Blady
Alan Levy
Alex Cassels
Alice Mawhinney
Amy Gordon
Andrew Noble
Angelo Colussi
Ann Woodside
Antjes Tyedmers
Arthur Scace
Barbara Tangney
Bernard Curian
Beth Nicholson
Beverley J. Cockburn
Beverly Chernos
Brian Lang
Bruce Findlay
Brydon Gombay
Carmen Bournonnais
Carol Baum
Carol Bezaire
Carol Bieser
Carol Gordon
Carolyn Dodds
Carolyn Levett
Carolynn and Alen Schiller
Catherine Joycye
Catherine Cotton
Charles Barret
Christina Cameron
Christine Gandy
Claire Forster
Dan Wright
Danielle Bourgon
David Burrows
David Mckee
David Bland
David Love
David Tyrrell
Diane and Stan Gasner
Donald Altman
Donald Meeks
Donna Bobier
Doris Bradley
Doug Gilbert
Douglas Welwood
Jane Anderson
Earl Law
Edward Wood
Edward Kelly
Elizabeth Gordon
Elizabeth Brown
Ellen Passmore
Esther Tiley
Flo and Alan Morson
Francy Kussner
Fred and Bonnie Saibil
Gail Payne
Gail Cockburn
Gella Rothstein
Gertrud Jaron Lewis
Gillian Beresford
Glenn Rogers
Grace Olds
Gyneth Held
Harriet Train
Heidrun Fiebig
Helen Sophianopoulos
Helen Breslauer
Howard T. Hamer
Hugh McKay
Ian Morrison
Irma Orchard
Jack Greenblatt
Jack Kornblum
Jack Reiter
Jacqueline Bennett
James Wilkins
James Este
Janet Rogers
Janice Lin
Janice Wright
Jean Dempsey
Jeffrey Lipton
Jessica Mahabir
Jill A. McNall
Joan Stewart
Joan Eakin
Joan and William Emmerson
John Cairns
John McConaghy
John McLellan
Joseph and Mary Vise
Joyce Peters
Judith Friedl
Judith Jones
Judith Parker
Judy Appleby
Julie Owens
Karli Pimm
Kate Karn
Kathleen Karn
Kathleen McMorrow
Kathryn Heller McRoberts
Kimberley Book
Lauren Marshall
Lenore Walters
Leonard Shirchenko
Leslie and Roberta Robb
Linda Briskin
Lisa Stevenson
Anne Curtis
Carolyn Cooper
Margot Breton
Marguerite Pigott
Marian Hoffman
Marilyn Lightstone
Marilyn Peacock
Mario Piscitelli
Marion Dorosh
Mark Singer
Mary Miller
Maureen Atikinson
Michael Sax
Michelle Smith
Michelle Buuck
Milli & Franklin Richmond
Mona Levenstein
Muriel Milne
Nadia Popovici
Nancy Kleer
Nancy Webb
Nina Patti
Olivia Moran
Paul Mazzoli
Paula Rochman
Pauline Thompson
Peter Archer
Peter Hopkins
Peter Jaekl
Peter Misiaszek
Pumpkin Sparshott
Raymond Aziz
Rhoda and Victor Shields
Richard White
Richard Sims
Robert J. Drummond
Ronald Manzer
Rosemary Barnes
Ross Cooper
Ruth Mandel
Sabatino Gaglietta
Samantha Kaptyn
Sara Tobin
Sarah Hunter
Sarah Turnball
Sean McGarry
Sherri Klassen
Tiffany Smith
Timothy Lau
Trudy Rising
Vicki Smith
W.A. Derry Millar
Wendy Rothwell
William Jaffray
Membership is an important aspect of Elizabeth Fry Toronto’s work as it allows people in the community to join with us to advance our agency’s vision, mission and values. Members are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting and have the right to vote at motions raised in the meeting. Members also receive updates on our agency’s programs and services, and invitations to special events.
All requests to become a member must be approved by our Board of Directors before the request can be processed.